Monday, August 20, 2007


This week's Good For You award goes to Ruby De Vera.

De Vera, the tough Pinay who took on City Hall when her boss, Councilman Ed Reyes, fired her allegedly for "embarrassing him" when she ran for public office against a Reyes-backed candidate, is going to get $125,000 in a lawsuit settlement.

I first wrote about De Vera's firing in this story back in 2005.
In her lawsuit, De Vera asked for compensatory, injunctive and punitive damages for, among other reasons, labor code violations and discrimination based on race/ethnic origin.

A Los Angeles political blogsite posted her Federal complaint which mentions that "throughout her employment with the city, Plaintiff had always performed her duties competently, received favorable performance evaluations, and maintained an unblemished work history.

Plaintiff was terminated not only because of her political activities and affiliations, but also because of her race (Filipino). Defendants treated non-Filipinos more favorably by, among others, paying them higher salaries despite holding the same or less senior position than Plaintiff. Plaintiff was also terminated because she was a visible and vocal member of the Filipino community, and was involved with various activities which supported the Filipino community."

I will be posting the complete story about her victory soon. In the meantime, congrats, Ruby!

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